KGSIR 2 Figure 2: Rapid adjustments from the RFMIP/CMIP5 multi-model ensemble
KGSIR 2 Figure 1: Rapid adjustment processes
KGSIR 1 Figure 2b: Efficacy of a range of climate drivers
KGSIR 1 Figure 2a: Effective Radiative Forcing from PDRMIP and RFMIP
CONSTRAIN Report 2021 Figure 5: Comparison of 21st century global mean temperature change for concentration- and emissions-driven emulator runs under the same very low emissions scenario (SSP1-1.9)
CONSTRAIN Report 2021 Figure 4: “Climate wheels” showing the probabilities of staying below 1.5°C, 1.75°C, 2°C, 2.5°C, and 3°C in the 21st century for the different simple climate model experiments under the same emissions reduction pathway
CONSTRAIN Report 2021 Figure 3: Annual fossil & industrial CO2 emissions and projected global mean temperature trajectory, central estimate and very likely (5-95% model) range, relative to pre-industrial levels (1850-1900) of the original MAGICC7 climate emulator experiment
CONSTRAIN Report 2021 Figure 2: Average decadal warming rates over the next 20 years (2021-2040) by CO2, non-CO2 greenhouse gases including CH4, aerosols and land-use reflectance, for five different Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSPs)
CONSTRAIN Report 2021 Figure 1: Warming contributions relative to pre-industrial levels (1850-1900) from groups of anthropogenic drivers for all five illustrative emissions scenarios assessed by IPCC AR6 WGI for 2020-2050
CONSTRAIN Report 2019 Figure 5: Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity
CONSTRAIN Report 2019 Figure 4: Effective Radiative Forcing
CONSTRAIN Report 2019 Figure 3: Near-term warming rates
CONSTRAIN Report 2019 Figure 2: Carbon budgets and value judgements