D5.3. KGSIR on carbon budget estimates updates with the latest insights on forcing, variability and feedbacks

D5.3. KGSIR on carbon budget estimates updates with the latest insights on forcing, variability and feedbacks

D4.8. KGSIR on knowledge gained

D4.8. KGSIR on knowledge gained

D1.6. End-of-project KGSIR on relative role of rapid adjustment processes and their timescales and constraint of ERF from spatiotemporal patterns (Tasks 1.2.1, 1.2.2 and 1.2.3)

D1.6. End-of-project KGSIR on relative role of rapid adjustment processes and their timescales and constraint of ERF from spatiotemporal patterns (Tasks 1.2.1, 1.2.2 and 1.2.3)

D1.1. Briefing paper on effective radiative forcing

D1.1. Briefing paper on improved characterisation and understanding of the ERF concept

KGSIR 2 Figure 2: Rapid adjustments from the RFMIP/CMIP5 multi-model ensemble

KGSIR 2 Figure 2: Rapid adjustments from the RFMIP/CMIP5 multi-model ensemble

KGSIR 2 Figure 1: Rapid adjustment processes

KGSIR 2 Figure 1: Rapid adjustment processes

KGSIR 1 Figure 2b: Efficacy of a range of climate drivers

KGSIR 1 Figure 2b: Efficacy of a range of climate drivers

KGSIR 1 Figure 2a: Effective Radiative Forcing

KGSIR 1 Figure 2a: Effective Radiative Forcing from PDRMIP and RFMIP