Fraction of usual NOx emissions due to COVID-19

Reduction in usual NOx emissions due to COVID-19. Data from Forster et al. (2020)

EU27+UK weekly % change in CO2 from national baseline emissions, Feb-July 2020 (high-end estimates)

EU27+UK weekly % change in CO2 from national baseline emissions, Feb-July 2020 (high-end estimates) (Forster et al., 2020)

Countries with highest mean daily % CO2 reductions compared to national baseline emissions, February to July 2020 (high end estimates)

20 countries with highest mean daily % CO2 reductions compared to national baseline emissions, February to July 2020 (high end estimates) (Forster et al., 2020)

Contribution to % change in US emissions by sector

Contribution to % change in US emissions by sector (Forster et al., 2020)

10 major global economies: weekly % change in CO2 compared to national baseline emissions, Feb-July 2020 (high-end estimates)

10 major global economies: weekly % change in CO2 compared to national baseline emissions, Feb-July 2020 (high-end estimates) (Forster et al., 2020)