Join CONSTRAIN events @ COP26

CONSTRAIN is involved in the following events @ COP26
4 Nov, 14:30-16:30, IPCC Pavilion: Democratising climate science: how climate model emulators add robustness and relevance to IPCC AR6
It may surprise delegates that several of the IPCC AR6 headline results relating to Paris targets, net zero and some climate impacts are underpinned by climate model emulators: reduced complexity climate models based on physics developed 50 years ago. The same physics that won this year’s Nobel Prize. This event will shed light on the future climate evidence needed for effective mitigation and adaptation policy. It will also showcase the success of these emulators for translating science into policy, using IPCC AR6 as a prime example. It looks to the future where these simple modelling can be better democratised and made more relevant to adaptation needs. It will provide bang up-to-date evidence on how COP26 ambitions will benefit future climate and also launch a democratic online platform allowing anyone to do their own climate modelling. Watch Live Stream
9 Nov, 10:00-11:00, EU Pavilion: Climate adaptation – through infrastructure risk resilience and governance – a global perspective
Better governance is key for systemic resilience of infrastructure systems. CDRI will release its white paper that will act as a foundation for resilience of infrastructure governance. CDRI and UK Met will discuss and put forward evidence and solutions to the climate challenge, quantifying pathways and new research to inform adaptation, risk, resilience, and the next generation of climate services.
10 Nov, 10:00-11:00, EU Pavilion: Ensuring an effective Global Stocktake: what role for civil society & the climate science community?
Panelists will discuss how civil society and climate scientists can contribute to an effective global stocktake (GST), with contributions from the independent Global Stocktake on non-party contributions to the GST; from CNRM-Météo-France on how science & research can support the GST & net zero strategies; and from C2ES introducing their new GST project.
10 Nov, 11:30-12:45, UNFCCC Pavilion: 1.5°C: where are we now, where are we headed, what are the risks?
We present the 2021 rebound in carbon emissions from the Global Carbon Project and consider: What does this mean for 1.5°C ambition? What are the impacts and risks of continued warming? How can we build greater resilience to those risks?